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Talk:Japanese nationalism

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If Japanese Imperialism redirects here, why doe the word "Taiwan" not appear one single time in the entire article. It is imperitave that the article be split up into articles that can more accurately discribe these subjects, most of which are united only by the word Japan.

The page is long now, and needs concision work. I'm moving this out for the moment.

Charles Matthews 16:25, 10 Apr 2005 (UTC)

This page seens to be too many articles combined into one. It describes Japanese neoconservatism, the history of Japan during World War II and Japanese militarism, to name a few. I think that some of the sections at the beginning on the Japanese national identity are appropriate, but the rest of the article focuses too much on Japanese extremism (militarism, neoconservatism) and not Japanese nationalism per se. True, its a form of nationalism, but thats like saying that all left wing politicians from Ralph Nader to Vladimir Lenin are the same person. I think that this article is going to have to be divided into appropriate sub-articles to be effective. --Moki80 16:06, 3 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Unreadable sentence


I removed this sentence from the "ideology of Japanese nationalism 1905-1945 => education" section of the article:

"In Japan exist ones 1,000,000 of pupils in primary level, in technical Schools levels stay ones 2,000,000 pupils, in advanced technical schools stay others 530,000 pupils. In six principal universities (between stay Tokio University and Tokyo Imperial University) poses ones 73,000 too."

I assume that the author is talking about the number of students in various schools during the Japanese nationalistic period. However, I'm not sure due to the use of present tense verbs. If anyone can make sense of this, feel free to put it back (hopefully in a form that I can understand). - Connelly 02:58, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

From 'Geopolitics'


since 1928 for traced the plans for conquest these lands.

He was select for one special study group for analizing the manchuria question.he are one special ideologyst,partidaire of long place fusion of Japan,Manchuria and China Mainland in one "East Asian Superpotence",how premise of total war between "Yellow" and "white" races.one of your convictions are he are living for making withness of these conflict and firm beliving why Soviet Union are the first of the "White races" in sense the supreme power of Easterns,argumented of the hate why sense the Western democracies for Comunism,mantained neutrally during the first phase of these same conflict.he writing one inform at respect. these inform present the classinc formula for conquest one foreing nation inside for deceiving,the terror and mininal force. These technical are analyzed for historians why still debated about if WW2 causes no having the German invasion to Poland and Sudetenland occupation or without Manchurian invasion plans traced for Kanji Ishiwara.

other ideology in geopolitical are Count Okuma,why opined in 1905 why "Japan are the Soul rector of Asia".for these position he sayed why japan debt: 1) one total integration with China for sended japanese form of think and civilization, and 2) redouced to impotence at these western nation why disputed these land.he thinked about the organization of one Spiritual and Racial imperialism for Japan.for these pourpose he making great diplomatic efforts in asian mainland.

one expert and foreing ideologyst why know in detail and aid to making these Geopolitics an these ideology are Karl Haushofer,why worked too in German Nazi Geopolitic and know over Mackinder theory,he founded the "Institut fur Geopolitik" in Munich.in these he analized al aspects of these topic and formuled more theories and plans relationed.

he living in Japan for certain time,are member of Green Dragon Order Society and stay more relationed with Japanese plans from your creation too.

hen Japan declared the war against German Empire in 1914 with france and England,your porpose no having to aid at Entente Cordiale western allies ,without ,how declare Kanji Kato "silenced for anticipied all possibly British objection at Japanese initiatives in China".and 1923 Japanese military stablishment,having putting your seeings in Puyi how possibly puppet for your detailed plans for ampled your influence zones in China mainland.

Previously in 1914, Baron Shimpei Goto, one of principal economists and ex-governor of Taiwan directed to the Saiwai Club these words: "Our Migration policy debt having one military disgised preparations.the definitive victory in Manchuria depend in principle the augment of Japanese colony population,the german population in Alsace-Lorraine poses one important paper during French-Prussian war of 1870.if Japan poseyed 500,000 emigrants in Manchuria,theirs have utile in War case...if the action are no favorable for ours can to employed for mantain reducts and negotiated the peace. he continuing "the all hospitals in Manchuria debt to proyected how military hospitals with great spaces for Wounded soldiers,the railways employees in Manchuria debt are Military officers and charged of Manchurian ports debt Navymens"

In Baden-Baden (Germany) was efectuated an important meeting, organized for Prince Higashikuni. in thesemeeting stayed one occult military consell group the "Three Ravens".theirs organized other subgroup the "Eleven Reilable Mens" why with analized the preliminary program for convirted at Japanese Army in the most exelent and modern army in the world in these times.one of these " Reliable Men" no are other why Hideki Tojo the same why more later occuping the control of Manchukuo Police and existing others why are specialist in inteligence in area and all are "Manchukuo theme" Army experts too.nother member of "eleven reliable" group are Colonel Konoto Daisaku why worked joining at Tojo in Manchuria affair too,other theme expert are the Major Giga. respect at Army the "key" for conquest asia land are Manchuria, and Emperor Hiro-Hito how great knowledger of this,aid with the organization of " Social Troubles Research Institute" in 1921,one "School" for making leaders,one "doctrine Center" for all Youngs why support the Army idea of conquest Asia Mainland.

the entering to "School" are exclusive, and muchs of the "graduates" finalizing your "course" in Manchuria or are asign at this.your "director" are the Dr Shumei Okawa, more vinculated with Black Dragon Society and one secret agent in Asia Mainland too during certai times.he beliving fanatically why Japan "poses the divine Mission" of "liberated the Universe".from instructions and the teachings from these "school" the Japanese Army,in intentionally form in first days,present one "despicable and disorder" image for confusing at western observers and occult the real intentions in these times and realizing certains uncover secret operations relationed with Army Projects.

for other hand,respect at Japanese Navy idea,your base are the beautyfull island of Formosa,why are your "key" for conquest Asian south areas.since why the Strike South ancestors take the idea of used these are how ideal base for the South expansion,this place are important for Japanese navy,how point to invade Dutch indies and other western posesions in area. in these island are born the dream of conquest Great East Asia, in this Japanese Navy installing your ideologist and expert for how making really your dreams.in Taihoku(actually Taipei) these armed branch organized your two important ideological centers the "Superior Comercial College" joinig at local Zaibatsus Clans and the "South Imperial University" organized in 1929,joining japanese Government. . these "Schools" arriving all partidaires and supporters of Navy ideas,these centers teaching one of more of seven idioms why talk in South areas,included Dutch,Spanish and Javanese.existing more "proffesors" why students why are specialy select for your habilities.these "proffesors" used much time in "teaching" over plans for "develop" the South areas.the "directors" poses higth ranks over Military attaches in foreing areas,and analized over Natural resources ,geography,economy,history,and idioscincrace of these areas. one foreing proffesors see one image abouth one select ,masquerade fest celebrated in Important Club of Taihoku,for remember the future Philippines independence in 1946.in same "schools" are trained the Japanese secret agents and Saboteurs and certain foreing south asian partidaires of South Sea lands too.in january 1941 the Baron and Admiral Mineo Osumi the most ancient member of War Supreme Consell,conceded one long interview to Asahi,japanese news paper.he sayed why japanese nation debt to prepared to extend for South area,japan debt to extend for any area,ours debt to extend for all cardinal points.if important for ours the Southern areas,things why at nations or individues,finding the most favoured for nature regions.if natural why for one nation in plenty develop,extend for south area how one flower born in spring...if one grave error thinked why yesterday occured the idea of south extension,the japanese race having desire to extend for south during thousand years,the south china affair and our needed for finding eatings and prime materials and develop of european conflict are mixed for impulsed at japanese movement to south.i take for secure why the future occured one grave situation in area" these expert more later are sended for one secret mission in China,and suffering grave aerial accident in area.the chinese guerrillas arriving at accident place before at Japanese rescue groups.chinese encountered valious information over japanese navy movements to south area.these informations are sended to british and Americans more later.

The 'Tanaka Memorial'


The purported "Tanaka Memorial", now widely regarded as forged, exposed the expansion ideas of Japan in similar form to the idea of "Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Theory".



Aonther and similar expression is seen in the "Hakko Ishiu" idea. The eight squares of the world are extend to all cardinal points of the world from Asia and mentioned Honkong,Singapur, Manila,Bangkok,Batavia,Peking,Vladivostok,Melbourne,Honolulu, Nome,Seattle and others areas in India,Turkey,Arabian land,etc for "Japanese ideals consist in putting in manifest the Spirit why founded at Empire represented for the extension of Capital for extend the six cardinal points and eigth squares of world under one sole roof" and "the great teaching of leged our Empire sacred Foundater(Sun Goddess) and others Imperial Ancestors consist in why our great moral obligation debt to extend in all directions and the world debt having to unified under sole Roof.this is oint why stayed treated to obeyed day to day".

At this Japanese government present the next official declaration:" is the inmutable policy of Japanese govern ment secured the stablity of Eastern Asia and promoted the world peace ,permiting with this at all nations why encounter your adequate place in the world".the unique persons why comprend perfectly these ideologies apart of proper Japanese are the little German Nazi colony in Tokio, theirs giving count the political clash why poses these idelogy respectat your proper "Mein Kampf" and conquest Program of Adolph Hitler.

North or South?


See main article Japanese strategic planning for mainland Asia (1905-1940)

The Japanese press at that time often discussed whether modern samurai warriors should to fight in the North against Russia, or in the South Area against Great Britain and Dutch Indies.

In Meiji times why both arguments are defend fanatically too for two brothers Takamori Saigo why defend the land asian conquest in Korean peninsula and Yudo Saigo why prefering the conquest of Formosa island. Later the political discusion continuing with Aritomo Yamagata for part of Army (a Strike North ancestor) and Yudo Saigo for Navy(one Strike South ancestor). Yamagata defend the need to take Liaotung Peninsula to continue to Manchuria and North Asian land operations, and Saigo for the Navy part opposed this. why Japan no are destined to extend to north,at contrary your real direction are Southfor your richests natural resources,he defend the stregth of Formosa respect at South operations.at final Meiji approved the North expansionwith Liaotung peninsula and south expansion with take of Formosa. In a similar situation poses [[Emperor Hirohito]], during a secret Military conference in 1941 respect at Japanese Army interest in Mainland Asia and Japanese navy interest in Pacific land areas. Finally he approved both sides' conquest plans in respective areas too, for sended reinforces to Indochina (south Movement) and Manchuria(north Movement).

The Japanese Army found or indoctrinated certain persons as "future local leaders" in all asian continental Mainland; similarly for the Navy and and Southern Pacific areas. In Mainland Asia the Army count with leaders how Korean Prince Gyn Rhee, of Korean Imperial House, Aisin Goro "Henry" Puyi in Manchukuo, Wang Chingwei in Nanking, White Russians Konstantyn Vladimirovich Rodzaevsky and General Kislistyn, the Mongol Prince Teh Wang, the Uiguir leader Ma Chung-ying, White Russians general Anyenkov, Baschich and Novikov and one Jewish leader, certain Afghan and other Islamic leaders. The Navy had foreign leaders-in-waiting too: Philippine General Emilio Aguinaldo and Salvador Laurel, the Sultan of Johore, Burmese Prime Minister Saw, Thailand's Prince Varavarn, Hindu leaders Rash Behari Bhose and A. M. Sahai, and the Indonesian Sukarno. All these leaders and others represent the nexts Asian "Quislings" to administer the future conquests of Asian lands. inclusive both armed branch treated to organized certain rigth independentist local movements and parties in these mentioned areas for support your cause.inclusive Japanese worked joining at certain persons in USA and Latinoamerica,(Dr.Carlos Torriani, functionary of Argentinian Foreing Affairs Minister and Mexican Journalists Jose Pages Llergo and Isaac Diaz Araiza,for example) for promoted the beneficts and well things of Japanese Empire and your lifestyle too.

In Japanese Army and Navy conquest plans stay implied too secrets radical societies how "Black Dragon Society" represented for your chief Mitsuru Toyama for Navy and Shumei Okawa for Army and other societies too.both groups having to train certain foreing western persons why used inside of country for keeped to other foreing persons.this if case of Army agents,one American why living in japan and one Hungarian,for part of Navy poses one euroasiatic engineer for example.these agents infiltrated in foreig circles for obtain informations or signed at suspicios persons. if possible why these type of agents used posteriory during pacific war times.espect at "Black Dragon Society" are mentioned how one patriotic "Club" of Nationalists disposed for figth against Non Asians Invaders.

The name correspond with Amur River why stay between China and Russia and reflect one die hard hate first for Russia and more later for Soviet Union.the "Revolution" of Sun-Yatsen why in 1911 defeated at Ching Dinasty are partially financed for this Society,and theirs with Prince Higashikuni poses certain political and ideological relations with Chiang-Kaishek in first times of your administration too,how sample of your implications in Asian Mainland affairs.

whole "Economy" section


It says very few about the topic: "nationalism".



the Japanese economy previous times at Mukden incident are more similar at present days.but from these sucess to 1945,occured one radical change,the Japanese Official Government Stablishment decided to Centralized all economy aspects,in beneficts of Zaibatsu Industrialist Clans,but why are more for common citizens from these moments in japan are sanctioned the"General national Movilization Act" for why all economic resources used to National war efforts in China mainland and more later in Pacific area. the Zaibatsus stay complaced for why receiving more weapons contracs and managed part of these same resources joining at Armed forces,but in other hand the common citizens suffering the effects of scarcies in basic aliments basket,gasoline coal,wood,milk fish,etc and others common basic things. in contrary Japanese Army and Navy receiving in War fronts much of these scarcies things in proper japan how part of your logistics,but at final inclusive theirs encountered much scarcies of this.these centralized economy are managed in first moments for Naoki Hoshino,how director of Economy consell ,but more later continuing these politic Teijiro Toyoda,relationed with Mitsui Clan.thing why satisfiying at Masatsune Ogura Director of Sumitomo Industries.ogura promised at other Industrialist clans making much beneficts for poses one of theirs in government.

ore later are replaced for Leutenant General Seizo Sakonji,why expresed why continuing the labor of predecesor in Economy and Commerce Ministerium.japanese persons making much imagination for making solutions respect at these grave situation.

the militarist no only having making weapons concessions and petitions,in more quantities,without,reafirm commercial desire of 7% in beneficts of iron and steel production.the official announced of government subsidies for foment the production.these official announced are formuled for the president of Steel anf Iron Administration Society,why stay relationed with Mitsui,Mitsubishi,Sumitomo and other capitalists clans.for poses security of god intentions of Militarists, in your new empress for making new weapons for foreing aggresion.

for example militarist poses only elogious words for well labour making for Mitsui,Mitsubishi Sumitomo,Yasuda and other capitalist clans.the DOMEI press agency during pacific wartimes expressed why durig sucesses in Dutch indies,USA and Great Britain colonies,the Leutenant General Hyotaro Yamada havingposes well words for Capitalist clans for making exelents weapons"superiors at general level in quality how quantity".

he national sindicates having rapid vanished,for express order of Army with support of Nationalist bands.Komachiki Matsuoka,leader of "Japanese workers federation" are ordered to vanish your sindicate or fussioned with Official Sindicate "Industry Nation Service Society"(equivalent to National Front Workers German official sindicate).these worker leader no stay accord with this and Nationalist bands sended the official message and ordered to dissapareing your sindicate.the official sindicate proclaim "Industrial Expansion","Workers for national service" and "Japanese spirit propagation",etc.the workers and empressdifferences are reduced at measure of making sacrifice for emperor. these acction are acclaim for Capitalists clans and poses results of appliying of Feudal laws between sirs and industrial subditss,and subdits to workers.

the industrialist participied in Japanese conquest plans for obtain beneficts in one eventually agression to Soviet lands in Siberia and/or invasion to Southern Pacific areas too,for expand your bussiness in these both areas.and aid to organized the economic sections of these plans too.one of these industrialist are Yoshisuke Aikawa,the leader of Manchukuo industry with Japanese Approbation and the case of Mitsui industrial interest in same are,for example of much similar cases.

these centralization if seeing in Manchukuo/Kwantung,Chosen,Taiwan,Karafuto South Mandate,and occuping areas during chinese-japanese and pacific war too.these clans receivig much contracts for obtain more resources inthese areas,at finald during last moments of war these economy stay practically in ruins,non existing any resources and national economy no functioned in none aspect.

Mikkalai 18:31, 10 Apr 2005 (UTC)



The top two images are overlaying the table of contents. I am using Firefox. Can somebody move them? How do they look with IE? RickK 19:32, Apr 19, 2005 (UTC)

I've moved them down. I have IE, and was seeing them parallel to the TOC before. So those with other browsers should check how it is now. Charles Matthews 20:17, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Much better. Thanks, Charles. RickK 22:50, Apr 19, 2005 (UTC)

Some things that need to be cleaned up


This page contains a lot of interesting facts, but also a lot of things that have little to do with nationalism.

The structure is very confusing. Why have a title called "Everyday life"? The first sentence of that paragraph is "Daily life in Imperial Japan became hard." When? So what? The author probably tries to give an historic explanation for some aspects of Japanese nationalism, but that could be said much clearer.

In some parts bad grammar makes the text incomprehensible. For example, what does "similar if reported in same times " mean? (It is not clear even in context.)

Sorry for not coming with more concrete proposals for fixing the shortcomings, but fixing it is a project that will take much more time than I currently have. Hopefully pointing out some of the shortcomings here is better than not doing anything at all.

--Mlewan 03:16, 8 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Bias and Mislabeling


Japanese Imperialism should _not_ redirect here. The article has very little to do with that as a whole and speaks nothing of early Japanese Imperialism (before the Shoguns). Also, this article reads a rather biased slant and seems to me obviously not written by a Japanese person (not that thier is anything wrong with that, but it propounds some misconceptions very common if one is not familiar with an asian mindset). In other words, it seems biased towards a western point of veiw.



Why does the See Also "List of nationalist Japanese symbols" redirect back to this page? Was the list merged into this? Perhaps this See Also entry should be removed?

HeyRick1973 (talk) 00:42, 3 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Take leave


Well,i am present:

the name of your uhknowed server are Wellington Perez Ishikawajima,i am from of Peru.

my nickname are Wladk for Wladimir Kamisky,i readed over German-Russian war and liked the history of Pro-axis russian military leader Bronislav Kaminsky. i am stay more prided of history of my great country and in my limits mantain contact with other japanese citizens why knowed about history in Japan and outside.

my farests ancestors are japanese and poses family in central america,Mexico ane Europe.i for working reasons staying preciselly in central america,in ones parents.

i sta more disgusts with theirs for your actions why in first thinked in good faith and comprension but in last days appareing agressive attacks,no one adequate recomendation or similar.

for this i knowed much of japanese history and poses more information at respect.preciselly i am debt at my nearests of Jap web sources,treated to publish some interesting info,but uhknowed why stay violating certain rigth laws.

i am are one interests in jap history in much detail overall the specific topic previously mentioned. i am knowed one panamenian why mentioned at me over your farests japanese ancestors,secret agents,jap plans against panama canal,and present some bibliography.

i stay more disillucioned with yours,if totally certain why poses more troubles in my grammar or no poses writing habilities,but i writing in good faith ,lamentably,yours stay in these strict media with correct inflexible rules,and i no poses well diction for participed in this.if more lamentably why having occured this.

in present days stay in these country,but for working reasons i traveled to Europe in route to Madagascar or South Africa.i am decided no return at your media i stay more desappointed and disgust with theirs!

Sirs,for my part no poses troubles,i am no agreed much idea ofwriting in your media other time,if more terrible for me!

It should be noted while cleaning up this article that it is being used not just about Nationalism, but about a period of history, (Showa 1 - the end of the war). Consider if a name change is required. User:Zeimusu

Japanese expansion in mainland Asia


This article was Vfded, and votes were split between merge & redirect and delete, with a majority favouring delete. Its contents are thus:

Japan is an island, and its people ambitious. Emigration has not helped it much, historically speaking. Its industry and trade, at the start of the twentieth century, were insecure, and its export markets restricted. Many Japanese, therefore, considered territorial expansion a national "panacea". with political dominion in exterior lands if await why prime materials and markets stay secured,but for disgrace the Japanese leaders having very little importance to internationa and regional good will.

the Japanese Modern imperialism cominzed with First Chinese-Japanese War of 1894-95 for supose korean independence.for Shimonoseki treated,Japan adquired Formosa,but in place of taken Liaotung Peninsula in south manchuria,ceded to Russia,Germany and France pressures and accept one monetary indemnization of China.very little years later,Russia construct the East Chinese railway and South branch to Port Arthur,in Liaotung Peninsula. of these mode,Russia adquired the same land why Japan ambitioned previously.

this if motif for Russian-Japanese War of 1904-05,for why obtain some concessions socalled "Treated Rigths" in South Manchuria.in 1910,Korea having formally annexed,during first decades of century the territorial security are principal military motif. during WW1,Japan taken of German concessions in Kiaochow(Kirchow) in Shantung,why are return to china in 1922.at finish of war Japan receiving one Mandate over German Islands of Pacific at north of Equator.at cominzed of Russian Revolution of 1917,Japan and United States envoyed joining one expedition at East Siberia why arriiving to East side of Baikal Lake. each country accord to send ones 7,500 soldiers,but Japan sended ones 72,500 and only retireing under heavy international pressures.At the same time Japan controlled Kamchatka,Ohkostk Coasts and Sakhalin but debt to return to russia more later.

The Mukden Incident,where Manchuria was converted to the Puppet state of Manchukuo,during september 18,1931 and China Incident,where the conflict are extend to South of Great Wall,and Pearl Harbor Attack in december 7,1941.these movements are described by Japanese Patriots how one altruist intent to liberated to China and Asia of your troubles and proportioned the "Japanese ilustration" .

front at great Commercial Restrictions and sense of making one Imposed Divine Mission Japan having to treated of constituted one Empire for confronted at Western potencies.

The Japanese Imperialist having two territorial objectives,one group representing the Japanese Army favoured Continental expansion and the other guided by the Japanese Navy,having to ideed the South expansion.China offered one great market and certain prime materials.the Northwest action proportioned one top against Soviet Union and your ideology.It was one of the reasons for acquiring the Korean Peninsula,but for mantain your stability,having needed Manchuria,at same time are important Mongolia and East Siberia for analogue motives,of these mode the Land Apetite opened eaten. respect at how Japanese citizen are persuaded for colonized and stablished in these lands,Manchuria are very cold and China stay fullness.the Japanese Army conquest program stay more relationed with MIlitary Strategy and Resources Commerce why the colonization.

Japan finding your Vital Space more adequate. these form part of geopolitical program of East Great Asia for why Japan desire obtain military security and economical independence. at contrary of Monroe Doctrine,the japanese plans no needed of independence of states involucred and open door commerce policy.

Since 1928 for traced the plans for conquest these lands.

theirs was select for one special study group for analizing the manchuria question.he are one special ideologyst, partidaire of long place fusion of Japan,Manchuria and China Mainland in one "East Asian Superpotence",how premise of total war between "Yellow" and "white" races. one of your convictions are he are living for making withness of these conflict and firm beliving why Soviet Union are the first of the "White races" in sense the supreme power of Easterns,argumented of the hate why sense the Western democracies for Comunism,mantained neutrally during the first phase of these same conflict. he writing one inform at respect. these inform present the classinc formula for conquest one foreing nation inside for deceiving,the terror and mininal force.these tecnical are analized for historians why still debated about if WW2 causes no having the German invasion to Poland and Sudentenland occupation or without Manchurian invasion plans traced for Kanji Ishiwara.

other ideology in geopolitical are Count Okuma,why opined in 1905 why"Japan are the Soul rector of Asia".for these position he sayed why japan debt: 1) one total integration with China for sended japanese form of think and civilization, and 2) redouced to impotence at these western nation why disputed these land.he thinked about the organization of one Spiritual and Racial imperialism for Japan.for these pourpose he making great diplomatic efforts in asian mainland.

one expert and foreing ideologyst why know in detail and aid to making these Geopolitics an these ideology are Karl Haushofer,why worked too in German Nazi Geopolitic and know over Mackinder theory,he founded the "Institut fur Geopolitik" in Munich.in these he analized al aspects of these topic and formuled more theories and plans relationed.

he living in Japan for certain time,are member of Green Dragon Order Society and stay more relationed with Japanese plans from your creation too.

hen Japan declared the war against German Empire in 1914 with france and England,your porpose no having to aid at Entente Cordiale western allies,without ,how declare Kanji Kato "silenced for anticipied all possibly British objection at Japanese initiatives in China".and 1923 Japanese military stablishment,having putting your seeings in Puyi how possibly puppet for your detailed plans for ampled your influence zones in China mainland.

Previously in 1914, Baron Shimpei Goto, one of principal economists and ex-governor of Taiwan directed to the Saiwai Club these words: "Our Migration policy debt having one military disgised preparations.the definitive victory in Manchuria depend in principle the augment of Japanese colony population,the german population in Alsace-Lorraine poses one important t paper during French-Prussian war of 1870.if Japan poseyed 500,000 emigrants in Manchuria, theirs have utile in War case...if the action are no favorable for ours can to employed for mantain reducts and negotiated the peace. he continuing "the all hospitals in Manchuria debt to proyected how military hospitals with great spaces for Wounded soldiers,the railways employees in Manchuria debt are Military officers and charged of Manchurian ports debt Navymens"

In Baden-Baden (Germany) was efectuated an important meeting, organized for Prince Higashikuni. in thesemeeting stayed one occult military consell group the "Three Ravens".theirs organized other subgroup the "Eleven Reilable Mens" why with analized the preliminary program for convirted at Japanese Army in the most exelent and modern army in the world in these times.one of these " Reliable Men" no are other why Hideki Tojo the same why more later occuping the control of Manchukuo Police and existing others why are specialist in inteligence in area and all are"Manchukuo theme" Army experts too.nother member of "eleven reliable" group are Colonel Konoto Daisaku why worked joining at Tojo in Manchuria affair too,other theme expert are the Major Giga. respect at Army the "key" for conquest asia land are Manchuria, and Emperor Hiro-Hito how great knowledger of this,aid with the organization of " Social Troubles Research Institute" in 1921,one "School" for making leaders,one "doctrine Center" for all Youngs why support the Army idea of conquest Asia Mainland.

the entering to "School" are exclusive, and muchs of the "graduates" finalizing your "course" in Manchuria or are asign at this. your "director" are the Dr Shumei Okawa, more vinculated with Black Dragon Society and one secret agent in Asia Mainland too during certai times.he beliving fanatically why Japan "poses the divine Mission" of "liberated the Universe".from instructions and the teachings from these "school" the Japanese Army,in intentionally form in first days,present one "despicable and disorder" image for confusing at western observers and occult the real intentions in these times and realizing certains uncover secret operations relationed with Army Projects.

Aonther and similar expression is seen in the "Hakko Ishiu" idea. The eight squares of the world are extend to all cardinal points of the world from Asia and mentioned Hongkong, Singapur, Manila,Bangkok,Batavia, Peking,Vladivostok,Melbourne,Honolulu,Nome,Seattleand others areas in India,Turkey, Arabian land,etc for "Japanese ideals consist in putting in manifest the Spirit why founded at Empire represented for the extension of Capital for extend the six cardinal points and eigth squares of world under one sole roof" and "the great teaching of leged our Empire sacred Foundater(Sun Goddess) and others Imperial Ancestors consist in why our great moral obligation debt to extend in all directions and the world debt having to unified under sole Roof.this is oint why stayed treated to obeyed day to day".

The Japanese Army found or indoctrinated certain persons as "future local leaders" in all asian continental Mainland; similarly for the Navy and and Southern Pacific areas. In Mainland Asia the Army count with leaders how Korean Prince Gyn Rhee, of Korean Imperial House, Aisin Goro "Henry" Puyi in Manchukuo, Wang Chingwei in Nanking, White Russians Konstantyn Vladimirovich Rodzaevsky and General Kislistyn, the Mongol Prince Teh Wang, the Uiguir leader Ma Chung-ying, White Russians Generals Anyenkov,Baschich and Novikov and one Jewish leader, certain Afghan and other Islamic leaders.

espect at "Black Dragon Society" are mentioned how one patriotic "Club" of Nationalists disposed for figth against Non Asians Invaders.

the name correspond with Amur River why stay between China and Russia and reflect one die hard hate first for Russia and more later for Soviet Union. the "Revolution" of Sun-Yatsen why in 1911 defeated at Ching Dinasty are partially financed for this Society,and theirs with Prince Higashikuni poses certain political and ideological relations with Chiang-Kaishek in first times of your administration too,how sample of your implications in Asian Mainland affairs.

At this Japanese government present the next official declaration:" is the inmutable policy of Japanese govern ment secured the stablity of Eastern Asia and promoted the world peace ,permiting with this at all nations why encounter your adequate place in the world".the unique persons why comprend perfectly these ideologies apart of proper Japanese are the little German Nazi colony in Tokio, theirs giving count the political clash why poses these idelogy respectat your proper "Mein Kampf" and conquest Program of Adolph Hitler.

the Japanese Army Planeers making between official defense policy,in eventually of figth with potential foes how Soviet Union,the Operation Ohtsu or "B" and China,the Operation HEI or "C".these plans stay in context of conquest strategies in Asian Mainland.

see also (moved here from main page for cleanup)


cleanup tag


Despite the controversy and troll sitting, the article is much improved from it's cleanup tagging. Tag removed. -- Wirelain 05:53, 18 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



How can the article that Japanese Imperialism Redirects to not mention Taiwan ONCE? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 03:57, 9 April 2007 (UTC).[reply]

Taiwan is nothing do with Japanese nationalism unless there was evidence of Taiwan engaging "Japanese nationalism".--Korsentry 02:06, 17 March 2009 (UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by KoreanSentry (talkcontribs)

Project Assessment


There's a lot here, but it does not seem particularly organized to me. Also, it seems awfully tilted towards a negative view of Japanese nationalism. Certainly, the nationalism which arose in the 1920s-40s, in tandem with militarism, imperialism, and fascist-like movements, was a very hostile and negative development. But that does not mean that national pride in itself is a negative thing simply because it's Japan. Greater discussion is needed of contemporary developments and attitudes, and a more neutral view needs to be expressed regarding the double-edged sword that is nationalism. Being proud of one's cultural heritage, the modernity, wealth, and economic prosperity of one's country, etc is not the same as visiting Yasukuni. And visiting Yasukuni to honor those who fell in service of their country is not the same as a display of militaristic/imperialistic/fascistic nationalism. LordAmeth 21:46, 2 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

New religious movements


There should be a discussion about how some of the new religious movements affected japanese nationalism.Vontrotta (talk) 22:35, 11 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hachiro Arita,


I am quite certain that Hachiro Arita wasn't a general. Perhaps someone should try to dive deeper into both him and the other candidates on the list. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:56, 12 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Cultural thief


We need to mention how Japanese nationalism tried to carved out ancient Korean history as Japanese history, Japan still holds over 200,000 artifacts and ancient historical texts from Korea.--Korsentry 02:08, 17 March 2009 (UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by KoreanSentry (talkcontribs)

Nationalist symbols?


Surely the navel and national flags (and the Hachimaki etc. for that matter) don't constitute nationalist symbols. The British flag; and bowler hats or Morris dancer outfits; do not feature on the British nationalism page under 'nationalist symbols'. This does indeed seem like a ridiculously biased, 1950's like, article. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:06, 29 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Yasukuni Shrine caption


The caption for one of the main images says "The Yasukuni Shrine built in the 19th century to honour those who died on behalf of the emperor of Japan. It supports a revisionist history and enshrines 14 class A war criminals."

There is no citation to support the assertion that the shrine supports a revisionist history. (talk) 01:58, 13 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]



I believe the article does need a subsection on religious beliefs, may it be State Shinto or Nichirenism, that lend a hand fostering a very unique Japanese style of nationalism. --Catflap08 (talk) 17:52, 29 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]



I propose merging the page Ultranationalism (Japan) into the page Japanese nationalism: The former has little content, and its subject falls into the latter’s subject. Vex-Vectoꝛ 02:28, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]